This month covers *gasp* Paranormal Romance and Urban Fantasy (adult and YA). The top three winners all get a critique of the first 10 pages of their work by the agent judge and a free one-year subscription to
Yes, it's right up my alley and, yes, I've sent my entries. Well, it mentions: "no 'high fantasy' with dragons, elves or other planets please." It was tough for me to decide whether to enter because my books involve another planet, but it's not high fantasy nor is it high sci-fi. It doesn't read much different than a paranormal set on Earth. The science fiction's a backdrop.
Oh, well. Too late 'cause the entries are off. What's the worst that can happen? Nothing? Oh, I guess that's what's going on now anyway. Can't get anywhere if you don't take a chance, right?
Yet another contest I'm hoping to get lucky with is the Popular Fiction Contest at WD. I have short stories ready to enter before the deadline of November 15, 2010. Manuscript length is 4,000 words or less. You can enter as many times as you like in all five categories:
Mystery/Crime Fiction
Science Fiction/Fantasy
Anyone else entering these or any other amazing contests? How about the Golden Heart??? How do you feel about submitting to contests? I've heard some writers and agents say winning contests doesn't help an author get an agent or publisher. Do you think it helps your chances, hurts them or makes no difference?
Check out my Blogfests page if you want to get in on more of them next week. They're a great way to get to know your fellow bloggers. Next up are the Mash-up, They're People Too, and the Bad News Blogfests all scheduled for next week. I might do one. Maybe. It was crazy this last week. Oh what the hell. I'll do one at least. I'll flip a coin...