Friday, April 6

A to Z Challenge : Funniest videos ever!

Well, maybe not funniest ever, but definitely the funniest I've seen in a while. These videos are posted by Nice Peter on YouTube. If you love silly humor and don't mind a little bad language, you'll love this.

The Epic Rap Battles of History feature opponents such as Sara Palin vs Lady Gaga, Michael Jackson vs Elvis Presley, and one of my personal favs, Master Chief vs Leonidus. I know this has nothing to do with Romance (my intended theme), but I had to share this. Hope you enjoy!

Seen anything funny on the net lately that you'd like to share? What kind of humor gets you laughing the most?


  1. I posted about the show Psych today - that always makes me laugh!

  2. Comedy records used to do it for me, but now the show "The Big Bang Theory" gets me laughing big time.

  3. A little over my decency line, but a good satire. I'm trying to visit all the A-Z Challenge Blogs this month.

  4. I like clean comedy :)---it is the hardest to do.

    Look forward to your challenge run…
    --Damyanti, Co-host A to Z Challenge April 2012

    Twitter: @AprilA2Z

  5. Hi...I'm hopping over from the A to Z challenge. Funy post...good luck with the challenge. I'm a new follower!

    Donna L Martin

  6. Anything about Chuck Norris is funny... especially Chuck Norris. That Abe Lincoln, though, holy crap that's the thing of nightmares, is it not? Geez!!!!

  7. OK, that was really funny. Thanks for sharing great entertainment.

  8. Hahaha--loved it! I also had a humor post for J day (Just Joking), where I reminisced about that Peter Sellers movie, The Party. His kind of goofiness cracks me up every time.

  9. I like the new T Mobile commercial where the girl checks out from her pink outfit and puts on motorcycle leather. Very cool commercial.

  10. The "Bromance" music video by nigahiga is one of my favorite humor videos on the web.

    The Golden Eagle
    The Eagle's Aerial Perspective

  11. Thanks for sharing. What gets me laughing every time is the videos on youtube of Maru the Cat.

  12. Hi Angela, you've disappeared again. I hope all is well with you. x

  13. Your design and pics of the blog is really nice.

    funniest videos


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